
Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 9, 2014

BÁNH MÌ (Vietnamese Baguette)

           “One of the famous and delicious street food in the world”, "The palatable sandwich ever" are those sayings foreign press favourably call Vietnamese Baguette. Surpassing thousands tasty dishes all over the world, Vietnamese Baguette is now becoming more and more favourable in both domestic and international tourists thinking to combination of three factors: Tasty – healthy – cheap. In order to catch up with the hasty pace of life day by day, residents throughout the country gravitate themselves to the lifestyle of eating healthy, nutritious food and saving time.
Bread with ham, pâté, pickled carrot and white radish, cucumber and chili
As a result, it is not strange with trolleys of bread along streets being crowded by customers in the early morning, that makes wonderfully beautiful and vibrant scenes. Vietnamese Baguette is not too big, normally a loaf of bread is served for person, but still ensures of level of nutrition and fills us up with energy during the morning. Skin of bread is always sparkling with eye-catching golden brown colour, buttery taste of a pate, pork, chopped meat but it do not make people’s appetite of any fever thinking to sweet-and-sour taste of pickles, elegant flavour, fragrance of coriander, and spicy taste with some small pieces of red hot pepper.Additionally, Vietnamese Baguette shows own special features with various types of sauces such as soy sauce, gravy beef or other traditionally special gravy.
         Behind all those tasty, attractive and eye-catching flavour, bread involves many stories of life, human beings’ sense of mercy, that is all about poor, unfortunate kids sharing with each other loaves of bread who always sparkle with beautifully innocent smiles. Or stories about those workers with perfunctory meals to be on time for their afternoon shift. And those loaves of bread, even more interesting, always associate with students, who have to save every dime and penny to follow and fulfil their dreams...That is why is said: Vietnamese Baguette as itself says, “Simple but not that is simple.”

Street Food in Vietnam - Vietnamese Baguette (Bánh Mì)
Small sidewalk bakery in Vietnam
        With the  Vietnamese Baguette, we always enjoy completely fresh new flavour by all senses of tuition. It, without the doubt, is a big regret for those who miss this special dish when visiting Vietnam. And what are you waiting for? Give it a try then you figure out how and why  Vietnamese Baguette was, is and always be conquering even picky folks.

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