
Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 9, 2014

Cá nục hấp cuốn bánh tráng (Rice paper rolls with steamed scad - Scad rolls)

           When referring to types of rolling meals, central coastal people who live in severe weather conditions can't help mentioning "Scad rolls" - A popular dish with regional flavor. In July, when wind starts blowing from the South to the Coastal, It's time for fishing Scad. 

Vietnamese Steamed Scad
Steamed Scad with chili and scallion
It is the high value species in both nutritional and economic aspect, chosen by most of Vietnam housewives for cooking a lots of diversified and interesting dishes. 
               Scad Rolls is always given priority to be chosen because of the simplicity in cooking but diversity in nutrient. Its ingredients are also easy to find and very cheap. It's definitely not a bad choice. When reading the name of this dish, You can easily envision the main ingredient that makes it special Scad . After being washed, the fresh fishes will be put on the dish and marinated with onions, spices, peppers and chopped chili. All of them are blended until the fish is absorptive enough to be ready for the final step putting in the steamed pot. Each region has each special steaming method. Especially in Danang, You will have a chance to be experienced the very special taste because Scad is sometimes wrapped in a silver paper to steam. Thus, the flavor and nutrients of the fish will be kept entirety. In addition, heat will make liquid secreted from the fish which later is blended with marinated spices and then became a dish that’s mixed by salty taste of the sea, sweetness from the fish and piquancy from chili. We’re sure that it will satisfy any diner.
Cá nục hấp cuốn bánh tráng
Rice paper rolls with steamed scad - Scad rolls
            Scad Rolls is enjoyed with water morning glory (bindweed) – A very familiar vegetable in Vietnam. The crispness and sweetness of this vegetable will harmonize with the softness of the fish by a very surprising way. This combination not only makes diners not be fed up about the dish but also unforget the special tasty of them when leaving Danang. The next component will be Rice paper. The tasty of this dish also depend on what kind of Rice paper will be used because of its flexible. In Danang, people usually use Rice paper made from rice flour.  However, this dish won’t be perfect if misses a very important component: Sauce. In Danang, the housewives often uses seasoning sauce. When you taste it, the saltiness will be on your tongue first, then it becomes spicy and finally, the sweetness of pineapple remains in your neck.
            Eating method is very simple: Just spread the girdle-cake on your hands, put on it some pieces of the fish and vegetables and then roll them all.
Scad Rolls, with the perfect combination of traditional flavors and multi-nutrients, has been being success in holding visitors to stay longer when they come to Danang. In addition, due to eye-catching and simplicity form, it often appears in family meals of local people.

2 nhận xét :

  1. Linh viết hay & ta dịch chuẩn quá :3

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  2. Các quán ăn thường phục vụ món Cách làm cá nục hấp ngon cùng một đĩa rau sống, bao gồm rau muống, chuối chát, xà lách, húng quế, tía tô… và một bát nước chấm cay xé, đôi khi là một bát mắm nêm. Sự kết hợp hoàn hảo giữa cá hấp ngọt mềm, rau thơm thanh mát cùng vị mặn mòi đậm đà của mắm và ớt cay có sức hấp dẫn kỳ lạ với bất kỳ thực khách nào.

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