
Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 7, 2015


      1.      Central Viet Nam's cuisine in Quang's area
Talking about Quang Nam, we can’t miss the garden chicken in Tam Ky or “Cao Lau” from Hoi An, and a flavorful bowl of Quang noodle soup. Those are all the features of the Central people cuisine. If there is any chance that you can be her at the sunny windy area, do not miss the attractive bold dishes from very friendly local people.
Quang Nam cuisine is a part of central cuisine, we can think of a special dish from this land is Quang noodle soup. “My Quang” can be seen as a specialty to give the guesses or in parties to introduce the culture features of Quang people. However, the broth is not really much as “Pho” but very delicious and bold.
The Central cuisine use a lot of spiciness but less sweet than the South. Some special dishes of Central people: fish vermicelli soup, boiled pork with rice pancake wrapper, “banh dap” (rice pancake cracker),…

     2.      Central Viet Nam's cuisine in Hue’s
     Talking about the Central cuisine, we shouldn’t miss the cooking style from Hue’s palace. This is one of the special heritage of Hue that attracts tourists from all over the places. Actually, royal cuisine is the folk cuisine which is elevated and in return it change the quality of folk cuisine.
     One of the specialty of Hue is “Bun bo Hue” which a very popular dish bringing Hue’s cuisine to everywhere and in each place it’s cooked in a different way to adjust to the local taste.
Especially, mention about Hue cuisine, we shouldn’t miss Hue’s che (sweet gruel). In Hue, there thousand types of che, there are some carry the luxury from Palace such as lotus seed che, "lotus seed with lychee outside" che, “che dau ngu”… Each one has a different flavor but all are fragrant and tasty, the most special is the purple one – "che khoai mon" (Taro sweet gruel). All together make a “kingdom of che”.

Indeed, the Central cuisine is about the simple, folk but has a very special flavor that can’t be confused. With its own cooking style, the Central cuisine has the common, but the privacy does make its diversity, delicate and specialty. 


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