
Bánh mì (Vietnamese Baguette)

Bread with ham, pâté, pickled carrot and white radish, cucumber and chili!

Khổ Qua Nhồi Thịt- Stuffed Bitter Melon Soup

Behind specific bitter taste there is the sweetness of the meat and water!

Bánh Ít Ram (Hue Style Fried Glutinous Sticky Rice Dumpling)

Top with some minced shrimp, pork, and fragrant scallion oil, dipping into the fish sauce, you have a really tasty and wonderful appetizer dish!

Cơm Hấp Lá Sen (Lotus leaf steamed rice)

The harmonious combination of shrimp, lotus seed, carrots, sausage, and so forth brings an exhilarating sensation to diner!

Áo Dài (Ao Dai Vietnamese Traditional Dress)

The beauty of women dressed in “Ao Dai”always leaves a deep impression on foreign visitors to Vietnam!

Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 6, 2015


Original recipe makes for 2 servings
1.      Outside dough:
-         Sticky rice flour: 370g
-         Cassava flour: 50g
-         Salt: ½ teaspoon
-         Boil water: 270ml-290ml
2.      The filling:
-         Shrimp: 200g
-         Pork belly: 150g
-         Salt, pepper, sugar, fish sauce, roughly chopped scallion, garlic.

1.      Let begin with the filling.
-         Chop pork belly into small pieces and thin, then marinate with 3 teaspoons roughly chopped pearl onion, ½ teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon sugar, ½ teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon fish sauce.
-         Peel skin off shrimps, marinate like you did with pork.
-         Have a pan on heat with 2 tablespoon cooking oil, then add 2 tablespoon roughly chopped pearl onion, add 1 teaspoon color oil in and have pork in, stir fry quickly on high heat, then have shrimps in.
-         Remove from heat when shrimps turn red.
2.      Next, we will do the dough.

-         Mix 200g sticky rice flour, 50g cassava flour, ½ teaspoon salt in a big bowl. Slowly pour 270ml boiling water in and mix well with a spoon.

-          Have 170g sticky rice flour into the bowl, wear gloves in and mix the dough while it’s still hot. The will be soft and smooth like in the picture.

-    Roll the dough into a long stick. Keep it in a bag to prevent from drying.

-    Use a knife to cut the dough into smaller piece of dough, laminate it thinly.

-          Have the filling into the dough and wrap it over. Use fingers to seal the edge of the dough to keep the filling inside. 

-         Fry a small bowl of scallion with oil. Wait for the oil to be hot, then drop scallion in, then remove from heat.

-         Boil a pot of water with 1 tablespoon oil, ½ teaspoon salt.
-         When water start to boil, add cakes in and cook until it flows up, get the cakes out and drop into an ice water bold.

-    Then get the cakes out, and put it in scallion oil mixture.

-         Mixing the sauce:
Thinly slice chili, mix with portion of 2 spoons of fish sauce, 2.5 spoons sugar and 9 spoons water, 2 spoons lemon, mix well, and that’s it.
Hope you would succeed and bon appetite!



      1.     “Banh canh xuong, cha, ghe ba Be at Con market” (rice noodle soup with pork bone, fish paste and blue crab”. Open from 7-8pm until 1-2am. It located on a side Con market (Hung Vuong street). It’s under a big umbrella named BA BE. Phone number: 0905.558.552. Price: 20k/bowl steamed fish paste, 25k/bowl fried and steamed fish paste.

     2.      “Bun bo ba Nu” on Phan Chau Trinh street opens until 1am. It locates in front of the house 49-51 Phan Chau Trinh. The owner is Hue’s. 

     3.      “Bun cha ca ba Lu” on 319 Hung Vuong. This restaurant open 24h. The broth is fragrant and has the sweetness of fish. Fish paste is sticky and delicious. It also has tuna, mackerel. Price: 18k/bowl.
     4.      “Cho Lon restaurant” on 257 Ong Ich Khiem street. Opens 24h. It is special on Chinese dishes such as noodle soup, chicken rice, pot rice, soup…
     5.      “Banh mi ba Lan” (Ba Lan sandwich) – 62 Trung Nu Cuong (near the intersection with Tran Phu). Opens until late night. Meatloaf is good and so is pork paste. There are also hot breads. Price: 10k/sandwich.

     6.      “Banh mi Ong Ty” (Ong Ty sandwich) on 272 Hung Vuong (aside of Con market) opens until 1-2a.m. This is a popular name, not too complicated, no vegetable, cilantro or scallion, only a crunchy bread with butter, and some pieces of beef paste and chili powder. Price: 15k/sandwich.
     7.      “Banh beo, uot, loc area at Con Market” on Hung Vuong street – Ba Be 8.
     8.      “Bun Xuong” (Xuong vermicelli soup)- 89 Tran Phu. It opens a whole day. There are many type: rare beef, paste, tendon, pig leg, tail, bone… The broth is sweet, the taste is quite different but it’s good. The pickle is tasty.
     9.      “Bun thit nuong Tam”(BBQ pork vermicelli) in District 3 (on Ngo Quyen street). It locates at the intersection of Nguyen Cong Tru and Ngo Quyen. The pork is marinate well, tender. Grill pork paste is crunchy, bold, and fragrant. Price: 15k/bowl BBQ pork vermicelli, grill pork paste: 4k/stick. Specific direction: turn righ when u get to Ngo Quyen street from Han river bridge. You will find Tam restaurant on the right when u turn right to Nguyen Cong Tru street. 

     10.    “Banh mi thit cha Yen” (Yen sandwich)-on Trung Nu Vuong street, at the corner of Hoang Dieu-Trung Nu Cuong, house 291 Trung Nu Vuong. Pate is good, bread is always hot and crispy. Price: 10k/sandwich.
     11.    “Banh mi thit nuong” (BBQ pork bread) on Trung Nu Vuong and Le Dinh Tham. This is a street stall in front of house 01 Le Dinh Tham. Go from Hoang Dieu, head to Trung Nu Vuong, turn right on Trung Nu Vuong, go for 700m more, you will see Le Dinh Tham on your left. The meat is marinated well, tender, delicious. Price: 10k/sandwich.
     12.   “Bun mang ga Thao” (Thao chicken and bamboo shoots vermicelli soup) on K233 Trung Nu Vuong, opens from 5pm to 11pm. Price: 30k/bowl. The broth is bold, sweet, chicken is tender. Bamboo shoots are good, crunchy but not bitter. Price: 30k/bowl.

     13.      “Banh canh ca loc Vi Da” (Vi Da cat fish rice noodle soup) locates in the food court near Bai Tho supermarket on Dien Bien Phu street – 44 Dien Bien Phu. Opens from 7pm till midnight. Price: 18k/bowl. Beside the fish, there are also quail eggs.



Original recipe makes for 4 servings

-         Red bean: 1package (300g)
-         Mung bean: 1package
-         Peanut: 1package
-         Sweet rice powder: 100g
-         Sticky rice powder: 150g
-         Coconut: 1
-         Pandang leaf: 3-5 pieces
-         Sugar: 300g
-         Coconut cream: 1 bottle
      Milk: 300ml


-         Cook red bean until soft, add sugar to taste then leave aside to cool down. After cooking, mash mung bean really well, then roll into small balls. And leave a bit to make “che troi nuoc”.
-         Get the coconut flesh, shred a half of it, chop into small pieces the other half, then roll over sticky rice powder, then boil it.
-         Mix sweet rice powder with water, roll into small balls, boil and leave aside to cool down.
-         Cook milk and sugar until dense. Add a bit of vanilla.

      Cook half cup of Pandang leaf, add coconut, sugar, salt and condense milk in, mix well, then put on heat to boil, then remove and cool it down.
     With all above ingredients, draw a bit of each into a glass, add ice to use.
     Hope you would succeed. 


Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 6, 2015


Original recipe makes 3 servings
-         Clam: 1kg
-         Pineapple: 1
-         Tomato: 2
-         Tamarind: 50g
-         Scallion, laksa leaf, dry pearl onion
-         Seasoning powder, fish sauce, salt


 Slice pineapple into small pieces, and so do tomato, thinly slice pearl onion

Clean laksa leaf, scallion, roughly chop.

Clean clams, have it in a pot and boil until the shells open, get the clam flesh out, wash again, leave the boiling broth aside.

Fry dry pearl onion, have tomato in and stir well, add clam, a bit of seasoning powder in and stir fry until fragrant. Get clams out and leave it aside.

Use the pot with clam boiling broth, put on heat, add in tamarind. Boil it up, then add pineapple, clam and cook in 4-5mins.

Sprinkle with scallion, laksa leaf and mix well, add a spoon of fish sauce in, then remove from heat.
Bon appetite!

Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 6, 2015


Hot weather makes the fry dishes become less attractive in family’s meals. However, with some variations the cook can satisfy with the crispy fry tofu balls. The tasty of tofu with other ingredients will have you a delicious dish with rice.

Original recipe makes 3 servings
- 2 pieces of tofu
- 1 carrot
- 1 bunch of basil
- 1 egg
- 30g corn flour
- 90g flour
- Spice: 1 teaspoon sesame oil, ½ teaspoon sugar, ½ teaspoon white pepper, 1/3 teaspoon seasoning powder, salt, cooking oil.

- Cut tofu into small pieces, mash it fine and squeeze to dehydrate.

- Peel off carrot skin, shred it and marinate with a pinch of salt.

Have mashed tofu, shredded carrot, basil, egg, flour and corn flour into a bowl, mix well.

 After that season with sugar, seasoning powder, white pepper, sesame oil and salt to be taste and mix again.

Roll tofu mixture into small and right balls. Heat the pan with oil to cover enough the tofu balls. When the oil is hot, drop in the tofu balls one by one and fry on medium heat. When the tofu balls turn into golden brown, then take it on and place on a dish with wax paper to drain the oil.

Take the tofu out on a plate, décor with some cilantro on top. Eat with chili sauce or sweet and sour fish sauce.

That’s how we are done with fry tofu dish, place on a dish and have everybody to enjoy it. With the combination of the ingredients, the tofu ball is so delicious, soft and still tasty.
Hope you would succeed!


Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 6, 2015


Coco-yam is a cheap popular food. People usually boil or make a soup with it. Besides, other parts of coco-yam can be used as medication, can cure some normal disease such as insomnia, constipation,… A bowl of coco-yam soup with the sweetness from baby pork rib and fleshy coco-yam with the flavor of Chinese coriander will be a good suggestion for dinner!

Original recipe makes 2 servings
- 500g coco-yam
- 300g baby pork rib
- Some haulm of Chinese coriander, green onion
- Seasoning powder, pepper

- Heel the coco-yam’s skin off, clean and cut into small pieces.

- Wash green onion, Chinese coriander and roughly chop.
- Chop the baby pork rib into small pieces, have it in a water pot with a pinch of salt and boil. Pour off the water when it starts to boil, clean again, add new water pork rib and dry onion into a pot then boil again, stew until the rib soft.

- Have the coco-yam in and cook with rib, season to taste, boil again until the coco-yam soft.

- Remove from heat, add Chinese coriander and green onion in.

Our soup is done, have it into a bowl, sprinkle with pepper and enjoy. Good luck!


Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 6, 2015

Making “Pho cuon” (pho wrap) really fast and delicious

In hot summer days like this, making a dish that is good, nutritious and quick, easy to eat is a headache issue to the housewives. Instead of preparing 2 boring meals a day, you can make “Pho cuon” to change you daily meal, really simple and easy.
“Pho cuon” is a cool and nutritious dish

Original recipe makes 4 servings
- 1kg rice noodle
- 400gr vermicelli
- 400 beefsteak, thinly sliced
- 1 onion
- Vegetable: Chinese Coriander, basil, bean sprout, lettuce.
- Spice: fish sauce, pepper, ginger, garlic, chili, vinegar, lemon, sugar
- Cooking oil


- Wash vegetable and soak into salt water in 10mins. Then, drain and dry.
- Marinate beef with ginger, spices and a bit of oil.
- Roughly chop garlic, julienne onion.
- Mix the sauce for “Pho cuon” with the ratio 1:1:1:1 (1 spoon fish sauce, 1 spoon vinegar or lemon, 1 spoon sugar, 5 spoons water) (you can adjust this ratio to adjust the taste).
- Heat the oil in a pan, fry garlic, add beef in and stir fry with onion. Then have it aside on a plate.
- Spread a piece of rice noodle on a dish, put lettuce on, a bit of vermicelli, beef, vegetable, wrap it over tightly.
- You can use the whole roll “pho cuon” or cut it into smaller pieces. Dip it in the sweet and sour sauce when eating.
Really fast and simple direction
- To have good stir fried beef, you should stir fry the beef really quick.
- To have a good roll of “pho cuon”, you should have the glossy side of rice noodle outside when wrapping, the roll will be nice. Use enough vermicelli, beef and vegetable and must wrap tightly.
