
Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 6, 2015

Making “Pho cuon” (pho wrap) really fast and delicious

In hot summer days like this, making a dish that is good, nutritious and quick, easy to eat is a headache issue to the housewives. Instead of preparing 2 boring meals a day, you can make “Pho cuon” to change you daily meal, really simple and easy.

“Pho cuon” is a cool and nutritious dish

Original recipe makes 4 servings
- 1kg rice noodle
- 400gr vermicelli
- 400 beefsteak, thinly sliced
- 1 onion
- Vegetable: Chinese Coriander, basil, bean sprout, lettuce.
- Spice: fish sauce, pepper, ginger, garlic, chili, vinegar, lemon, sugar
- Cooking oil


- Wash vegetable and soak into salt water in 10mins. Then, drain and dry.
- Marinate beef with ginger, spices and a bit of oil.
- Roughly chop garlic, julienne onion.
- Mix the sauce for “Pho cuon” with the ratio 1:1:1:1 (1 spoon fish sauce, 1 spoon vinegar or lemon, 1 spoon sugar, 5 spoons water) (you can adjust this ratio to adjust the taste).
- Heat the oil in a pan, fry garlic, add beef in and stir fry with onion. Then have it aside on a plate.
- Spread a piece of rice noodle on a dish, put lettuce on, a bit of vermicelli, beef, vegetable, wrap it over tightly.
- You can use the whole roll “pho cuon” or cut it into smaller pieces. Dip it in the sweet and sour sauce when eating.
Really fast and simple direction
- To have good stir fried beef, you should stir fry the beef really quick.
- To have a good roll of “pho cuon”, you should have the glossy side of rice noodle outside when wrapping, the roll will be nice. Use enough vermicelli, beef and vegetable and must wrap tightly.


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