
Bánh mì (Vietnamese Baguette)

Bread with ham, pâté, pickled carrot and white radish, cucumber and chili!

Khổ Qua Nhồi Thịt- Stuffed Bitter Melon Soup

Behind specific bitter taste there is the sweetness of the meat and water!

Bánh Ít Ram (Hue Style Fried Glutinous Sticky Rice Dumpling)

Top with some minced shrimp, pork, and fragrant scallion oil, dipping into the fish sauce, you have a really tasty and wonderful appetizer dish!

Cơm Hấp Lá Sen (Lotus leaf steamed rice)

The harmonious combination of shrimp, lotus seed, carrots, sausage, and so forth brings an exhilarating sensation to diner!

Áo Dài (Ao Dai Vietnamese Traditional Dress)

The beauty of women dressed in “Ao Dai”always leaves a deep impression on foreign visitors to Vietnam!

Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 5, 2015


Not only a febrifuge dish, Tonkin jasmine also good for liver, detox, sedation, healthy. Tonkin jasmine can be made into many simple dishes but really tasty. Let join us do the Tonkin jasmine soup with pork paste!

Original recipe makes 2 servings
- Tonkin jasmine: 200gr
- Pork paste: 100g
- Season powder, fish sauce


- Clean and wash the Tonkin jasmine, then drain it.

- Roll the pork paste into small ball.

- Put a pot of water on heat, add 2 teaspoon season powder. When the water boiled, drop balls of pork paste in.

- When the pork paste float up, add Tonkin jasmine in.

When water starts to boil again about 2mins, remove from heat, season with spices to taste, add a bit of fish sauce to be bolder.

  Tonkin jasmine soup with pork paste has light sweet broth, fragrant from flower and crunchy pork paste will blow away the heat of hot days.
Good luck!


Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 5, 2015


Durian cake with cream is a very “hot” snack that is loved by many people. However, the price is not cheap and usually comes at 130-150 for a small box with 5 piece. Therefore, instead of buying let take a look at our recipe, really simple and cheap!

Original recipe makes 15 pieces
The crust:
- 70g flour
- 10g corn starch
- 40g sugar powder
- 125ml no-sugar milk
- 2 eggs
- 20g butter
The filling:
- 125ml whipping cream
- 125gr durian flesh
- 40g sugar powder
- 2gr gelatin
- 25ml no-sugar milk


1. Melt the butter, have all the crust’s ingredient in a bowl, use the electric mixer beat really well until all the ingredients mixed rightly. Leave the mixture in 15mins.

2. While waiting for the dough to rest and release all the bubbles, prepare the filling: mash the durian flesh. Beat the whipping cream with sugar with the speed from slow to fast, beat until the cream firm.
Do not beat too long, it might be dewatered. Warm the milk a little bit, mix with gelatin. Then add it in the cream bowl and keep in the fridge while doing the crust.

 3. Spread a thin layer of butter on a nonstick pan, put on low heat.

Heat the pan, pour a tablespoon of the dough into the pan, and turn the pan to have a thin right layer of dough on the pan surface. Do not flip over, leave it in 1-2mins until the surface shrink, get it out on a plate.

 4. Keep doing like that until finishing with the dough, you will have the golden nice crust as below:

Now, let’s do the wrapping!
First, spread the crust on a big plate, the side which contacts the pan is on top. Get a spoon of fresh cream, stretch it about 0.8-1cm, then a thin layer of durian flesh in the middle, then warp it.

Keep doing it until finishing with the crust and filling.

After that, have all of the cakes in the fridge in cool, and take out whenever you eat!

This cake is a combination of fat cream and durian, the fragrant of butter from crust, really attractive and delicious, the important is the cheap price. Good luck!


Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 5, 2015


Okra is a high nutritious food, has vitamin A, B and C. Besides, okra is rich of fiber and acid folic, really good for pregnant woman. And making it is simple, let join us to cook a really food stir dry okra dish!

Original recipe makes 2 servings
- 450g okra
- ¼ teaspoon season powder
- ¼ teaspoon black pepper
- 2 tablespoon corn starch
- Oil


- Clean and wash okra, chop off the peduncle and cut into small piece.

- Mix okra with season powder, pepper and corn starch and let the spices stick well on okra pieces.

- Heat the oil on a pan. Pour the okra in and stir fry in 5mins until soft, season with spices to taste.

- Turn off the heat and place the okra on a dish and enjoy!

-  What a strange and simple dish! Hope you succeed!



Pickle cabbage is a good dish, and also an ingredient for other attractive dishes. If you don’t trust the prepared in the market, let refer our recipe for this dish. With this simple direction, you will have nice-looking golden pickle cabbage that is really fragrant and crunchy and safe absolutely!
Original recipe makes about 500gr beef jerky
- 1kg green cabbage
- 40g brown sugar, MSG (seasoning)
- 40g salt
- Green onion, garlic, chili, 1 small galangal root
- Vinegar or a bit of salted cabbage water.

2-3 days
3 days

Choose the cabbage that has big leaves, good and fresh. Clean and detach each piece of leaf.

Spread the cabbage on a tray and dry a day to be faded a bit.

Then wash again and clean, drain, clean the green onion, cut into small piece as the cabbage, mix the cabbage and green onion.

Mix the pickle liquid: 1,2l water, 40g sugar, 40g salt, a bit of MSG (seasoning), mix well and taste if it’s brackish.

Have the cabbage into a pot, pour the pickle liquid in to cover all the cabbage, add galangal, garlic chili in, then use a plate to cover and push from top of the cabbage. If you want the cabbage to be pickled faster, add a bit of vinegar.

Cover really well, leave in 2-3 days for the cabbage to be sour, golden.

- To be not scum, make sure the holder is clean. A bit of seasoning will help pickle cabbage better. For the cabbage have a good taste of sour, you should store it in fridge. And keep the liquid for next time.
- Pickle cabbage can be used as an accompany vegetable with meat, or ingredient for soup, poached.
Be successful and have a good dish!


Homemade beef jerky – delicious and cheap

Beef jerky is a favorite snack of many people. It is expensive, but the quality and hygiene is not quite good. Therefore, let join us to learn how to make beef jerky at home, easy and quick!

Beef jerky is a favorite snack of many people. It is expensive, but the quality and hygiene is not quite good. Therefore, let join us to learn how to make beef jerky at home, easy and quick!

Original recipe makes about 500gr beef jerky
- Beef tenderloin: 500gr
- Lemon grass: 4 cloves
- Garlic: 1 tuber
- Sugar: 2 tablespoon
- Five-spice seasoning: 1 bag (6-7gr)
- Chili powder or fresh chili (if you like spicy you can use 5 chili/500gr beef)
- Oyster sauce: 3 tablespoon
- Salt: 1 tablespoon



Clean the beef, slice into thin pieces 3-4mmm, lengthwise.

Roughly chopped garlic, chili, and lemon grass.

Marinate the beef with all the spices (sugar, five-spice seasoning, oyster sauce, salt) and garlic, chili, lemon grass, then leave it in the fridge in 8 hours.

Get the beef out, and have all beef and marinated sauce into a small pot, put on low heat. Cover fully with a lid, turn the beef to be cooked through. During cooking, you can taste to adjust the seasoning. Cook until it dry, then turn off the heat.  (about 20mins).

Get the meat out, cool down, then use the pestle to tap the meat to be tender, then shred it or leave it still, depend on you.
Spread the meat on a tray, dry at 1100C, stir it every 10mins until getting dry as you want (about 30mins). 

If you don’t have an oven, you can have the meat in a pan and stir on low heat until getting dry.

Beef jerky is done, looks attractive and really clean, hygiene.

Squeeze a bit of lemon juice in, stir well and enjoy. You can make it much, then reserve in the fridge to eat later. Be successful and bon appetite with homemade beef jerky!


Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 5, 2015


Jacky fruit sticky rice with coconut cream is a “hot” dish that young people really like. The fleshy coconut cream blended with the sweet jack fruit make the dish so attractive, but it’s easy to do. Let do it today with us!

Original recipe makes 2 servings
- 100g sticky rice
- 500g jack fruit
- Shredded coconut flesh, coconut cream, peanut

8hours 30mins


Clean the sticky rice, soak in full water through a night (about 8 hours).

Steam sticky rice with coconut cream with a pinch of salt until it’s cooked. (If you don’t have steamer, you can use electric cooker. By this you don’t have to soak the sticky rice in water)

Get the jack fruit out of the skin and white flesh, cut a line longwise of each piece, then get the seed out.

Crush the peanut

Shredded coconut flesh.

Fill sticky rice in each piece of jack fruit, use a spoon to spread a layer of coconut cream on the sticky rice.

Finally, sprinkle peanut and shredded coconut on top. It’s simple, right!? Let enjoy!

Jack fruit sticky rice with coconut cream is delicious and tasty, a perfect snack, crunchy jack fruit with sticky rice and coconut, peanut will make you irresistible. Good luck!


Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 5, 2015


Studying about Sai Gon cuisine will give a surprise, it’s right even said that Sai Gon doesn’t have its own cuisine but it’s a diversity cuisine place is right also. Introducing to you 2 humble dishes that are very special in Sai Gon people’s breakfast

 The first one is dimsum from Chinese, it’s “diem tam” in Vietnamese. This is not a dish but includes many light dishes. It can be divided into some types such as: dumpling, meat bun, wrapped cake, sweet cake, meat balls, steam chicken leg and porridge. It can also be divided through the way it’s cooked such as steam, bake, fry, and grill. The sweet dishes are egg tart, mango jelly…

 “Diem tam” is not a dish only but many dishes

At the beginning, people just use dimsum in the breakfast, but nowadays dimsum is served until noon and in suppers also.  

In HCM city, finding dimsum is quite easy because most of Chinese here is immigrant from Guangdong. Besides some Chinese tea stores, there are many Chinese restaurant such as Tan Hao Phong, Ngan Dinh, Dai Thong, Hoang Long with the price accounted to the quantity of dish.
Having a right dimsum, must be served in the steaming bamboo basket, the fragrant of the food activate the taste of dinners. 

Hot cakes are served in bamboo basket
The special part of eating dimsum is drinking tea, because dimsum is just a word to express a collection of dishes, and “yam cha”, drinking tea, is a right word for a meal including dimsum and tea. It’s a right style to have daisy tea or O Long tea.

The fish sauce to eat with “com tam” (rice) is quite sweet with a bit of garlic

Sai Gon people have “Com tam” even in breakfast, lunch or dinner, but the most popular is eating “Com tam” in breakfast. In other cities, like Ha Noi, it is rare to have rice in the breakfast. But “Com Tam” Sai Gon is different. People can eat “com tam” whenever and wherever, from the street vendor to luxury restaurant.

“Com tam” is made from broken rice. Long ago, this type of rice is just for poor people or throw away, but now becoming a very popular dish. Fish sauce to eat with “com tam” also decide the goodness of the dish and must be quite sweet with a bit of chili garlic.

There are many side dishes to have with “com tam”
The dishes accompanying “com tam” are a lot, but there are dishes that cannot be missed in any stores are grill pork rib, “bi” (pig skin) and omelette. The store is good or not depends on the fragrant BBQ meat and soft omlette. To have good smell, meat should be grill on charcoal with regular heat.
The gourmet in Sai Gon usually have this dish in Ba Ghien on Dang Van Ngu street, 500 on An Duong Vuong, or the street vendor on Nguyen Kiem street.
