
Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 4, 2015



Turmeric has the dark yellow but when dyeing food, it turns out a light yellow really nice looking. The North people usually use the fresh turmeric juice to make color for sticky rice; dyeing sweet cake, pancake, and curry powder or in some soup such as fish soup, green banana soup…

Qua danh danh (Danh Danh fruit)

This used to be popular in dyeing food, but later on it disappeared bit by bit. Danh Danh is usually wild grown in some wet ground area, it has bright yellow, not toxic, taste lightly. Therefore it used to dye some kind of food that is clear, light taste such as jelly, xu xe cake or some other kind of cake.

Hoa hoe (Hoe flower)
Food dyed by Hoe flower juice has the beautiful yellow. When mix Hoe flower juice with wine, it will be orange yellow. If soaking sticky rice with Hoe flower to cook sticky rice, or in bread flour the dishes will have the turmeric yellow.


Purple is one of the most beautiful color in Viet Nam culinary. Talking about purple, anybody can name the one hidden behind that color is “la cam” (Cam leaf). Fresh Cam leaf is smashed, squeezed to get the juice. The liquid has very nice purple color, no smell and lasting color. It is usually used to dye sticky rice and some cakes.

The sparkling brown or caramel color is made of color liquid or “nuoc hang” which is created from sugar. It is popular in poached, cook or making cake. Depending on the dilution or thickness of caramel, the cake can have many levels of brown from light to dark.


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