
Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 4, 2015


Banh khoai (Pancake) is a popular dish in Hue. It’s easy to find a pancake store in Hue but Thuong Tu pancake is the most delicious and authentic one with more than 40 years old.

Thuong Tu gate is an ancient name, which is located at Southeast of Hue ex-capital. On Dinh Tien Hoang street leading to Thuong Tu gate, there are a pancake store of a very special family: everybody are dumb and deaf but they make very good pancakes.

Thuong Tu pancake is made specially

The owner is Madam Ho Thi Tra-90 years old, has 7 good children but all dumb and deaf, communicating by body language only. However, with the good special pancake dish, her family made a very famous brand name of Thuong Tu pancake. The original store is at Lac Thien pancake, at 6 Dinh Tien Hoang, the others next to it are her children’s.

The pancake’s stuff includes shrimp, pork paste, egg, pork belly

There are many places selling pancake: Dong Ba, Kim Long, Gia Hoi, Vi Da…, yet, Thuong Tu pancake is more well-known due to their cake’s flour mixture and the sauce made from 10 spices: soybean sauce, peanut, sesame, liver, pork, shrimp paste…
Because of good dough, Thuong Tu pancake has perfect brittleness. The stuff has shrimp, pork paste, egg, pork belly is very easy to replicate, but mixing the dough to have crunchy, flavor, sticky pancake is just at Thuong Tu pancake.

Thuong Tu pancake has perfect brittleness

The sauce to eat with pancake is similar, so enough with the sweetness goodness that nobody can replicate. The word is that even Madam Tra’s children might not be able to do it without learning carefully from her.

This is not only Hue people’s favorite place, but Thuong Tu pancake is also a popular place with foreign tourists. It appeared in Viet Nam reality show of Luke Nguyen.
If there is any chance to come to Hue, pancake is a dish that you cannot miss besides baby mussels rice, beef noodle soup, rice flour cake, etc…


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